Remote Web Desktop for Android v 5.9.5 – Kembali Lagi Pada Postingan Kali ini Blog Akan Berbagi Informasi Terbaru Khusus Buat Sobat semua yakninya tentang Remote Web Desktop for Android v 5.9.5, semoga bisa Bermanfaat ya Buat Sobat Semua.
Send, read, forward or delete SMS messages. Support long SMS, group messages and fake SMS. Partial support sending MMS.
* File Explorer
Manage pictures, music, videos and files on SD card, transfer files/folders between phone and computer.
Multiple upload by drag-and-drop (for HTML 5 browser).
Gallery Viewer, Media Player, TextEditor, etc.
* Media Player
Enable you play video/audio on phone side or web desktop side.
* FTP Server
Sync files and folders between phone and computer quickly, manage SD card files in Windows File Explorer, browser or FTP client.
* WiFi Keyboard
Type on your phone using your computer’s keyboard.
* Webcam (2.2+)
Turns your phone into a wireless camera, view your camera with web browser.
Support both front face and back camera.
* Screen Capture
Take the screen shot and view it in web browser, easier than do it on phone side. Works for both rooted or non-rooted devices.
* Contact Manager (2.0+)
Group, search, create, delete, edit contacts, call log.
* Remote Call
Make a call from computer side.
* Shared Clipboard
Share clipboard text between PC and phone.
* Wallpaper Utils
Set phone wallpaper by upload a picture or online picture.
* APK Web Installer
Backup apps to SD card, and install APK through the File Explorer.
* Personal Web Server
Serve your personal web pages on your phone.
* LogCat
View android logs in web desktop.
* Terminal Emulator
Remotely access Android’s built-in Linux command line shell through web browser.
* Notes
Create a note shortcut on phone screen for text file.
Provide 512, 1024 bits RSA encrypt.
* Network Bridge
Support all internet connections (2G/3G/4G/WiFi), even you don’t have a public IP, you still can access your phone at any place.
* Remote Control
Remotely control your Android within your computer. Including mouse & keyboard emulation.
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